research, studies, projects



 Creative Trainer II
Development of Workshops and methodes for creativity and innovation management. Incentives for products and services are prerequisite for companies to successfully  exist at the global market. Founded by EU Leonardo.



 Research Study: Demands of the industry to realize the concept Design for All

 (Studie zur Ermittlung des Bedarfs im Thema: Design für Alle); IDZ;  Financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWI)



 IMPROVE Design Business; Establishment of a Business Qualification Program for  Designers; Financed by the State Government for Economics and employment; Berlin



 Establishment of a National Competence Network „Universal Design“ and exhibition concept.; Financed by the German Federal Ministry for  Families, Senior citizens, Adults and Women



 Universal Design – Development of a Certification for Consumer Products

 (Universal Design – Entwicklung eines Gütesiegels für Generationsübergreifende  Produkte); in Cooperation with TÜV Nord. Supported by the German Federal Ministry of  Economics (BMWI)



 Designmanagement for small and medium size enterprises (SME)

 „Designmanagement für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in Berlin“, in Cooperation with  FHTW Berlin; financed by the European Fund for Regional Developement (EFRE);  (2005 – 2007)


 1998 – 2000

 Public Design – the conception of public urban spaces in Europe Comparison of Planning and Design Concepts in Barcelona, Berlin and Paris; Analysis  of Case Studies; Development of empirical measures and methods for the description of  social-spatial interaction. Leibniz University Hannover: Prof. Dr. Ursula Paravicini, Dr.  Silke Claus, Andreas Münkel MA, Dr. Susanna von Oertzen; financed by NFFG